
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Phillies are tearing it up

The Phillies are just tearing it up! We can't let them catch up after we started so well.

3 games in St.Louis, let's cage those birds!!

3 games with the Yanks, let's show them who the new leader in NY is!!

Let's Go Mets!!


Monday, May 08, 2006

Wild weekend

After a marathon 14 inning game the Mets came back to win after having to head to their bullpen in the 2nd inning on Saturday when Zambrano left the field with an injury. So, apparently feeling happy that they had won the series, decided to go ahead and blow the last game. :-P

Okay, so it seemed like it was doomed from the get-go with that inital balk call and then the blown call by the ump that really pissed LoDuca off.

Well, we are still 8 over the Braves. It seems we have to worry more about Philly now. They have won 8 straight and have managed to catch up 3 games during that time. Let's hope for another series win so we can stifle their surge and keep them below us!

Let's go Mets!

Wild weekend

After a marathon 14 inning game the Mets came back to win after having to head to their bullpen in the 2nd inning on Saturday when Zambrano left the field with an injury. So, apparently feeling happy that they had won the series, decided to go ahead and blow the last game. :-P

Okay, so it seemed like it was doomed from the get-go with that inital balk call and then the blown call by the ump that really pissed LoDuca off.

Well, we are still 8 over the Braves. It seems we have to worry more about Philly now. They have won 8 straight and have managed to catch up 3 games during that time. Let's hope for another series win so we can stifle their surge and keep them below us!

Let's go Mets!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pedro should have had #6

Well, Pedro should have had win #6 under his belt. He would have been the first in the majors to reach that point. I hope Wagner doesn't become a Looper. I won't give up on him yet, but I do have some expectations of him that I would like him to live up too.

Mainly, he has to be better than Mariano this year so that the damn Yankee fans can drop this "Enter Sandman" crap! :-P

They did win, and that is the important part. Now let's take the 2-game swwep and then we can let the Pirates break out of their slump on the weekend. :-D

Let's Go Mets!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sweep woulda been nice...

Well, a sweep would have been really nice, but I will certainly take the series win. Glavine and Pedro both looked good as well. Trachsel, not so good. I would have liked to have seen him pitch to Francoeur instaead of bringing Oliver in though.

2 games each hosting the Nationals and the Pirates and then we get to see Atlanta again. Let's just hope that their win doesn't give them any momementum!

Let's Go Mets!

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